Kornwipa Poonpon
Khon Kaen University,Thailand
One of the most critical problems in teaching and learning English at tertiary level in Thailand
is students’ lack of adequate language background to carry out tasks required in studying
English. In an attempt to deal with this challenging problem, the study investigated learners’
opinions about (1) the implementation of project-based learning in a language classroom to
encourage learners to apply their language skills and knowledge of their specific field of
study to complete a task, and (2) how project-based learning may enhance their four skills of
English (i.e., listening, speaking, reading and writing). Forty-seven undergraduate students
taking an English course on Information Science were required to work in groups to complete
an interdisciplinary-based project. A semi-structured interview was used to elicit students’
opinions about the implementation of the project and how such a project may enhance their
English skills. The interview data were qualitatively analyzed. Results of the study revealed
how the interdisciplinary-based project should be implemented in a language classroom to
enhance the learners’ English skills.