I was told you have problems with clients which won’t boot into OS but are trying to pxe ..
I’m afraid the issue is about the desktop models which won’t continue booting the os when they get no response from pxe (sccm) server (dsm infact did tell them to continue with harddisc).
However with Win7 we told the people to switch boot order to hard disc – so the users won’t have to wait long for timeout at this step and so have a faster startup.
I would recommend this also to you, so no pxe will take place per default and therefore the boot into os will be successful. However if you need to reinstall you may press f12 to tell bios to do and try pxe. (so you don’t have to change the boot order every time)
This is also how we tested our installations with sccm, so we didn’t come across the problems you described, (but I can recreate it when the boot order says pxe, then harddisc)
We will setup an send a more global announcement as more local IT will come across this (I’m afraid of ..)