Good afternoon, how was your evening? I hope you had a great sleep that I had. And I'm so glad I have heard from you. Well, thanks for your mail ... I want to tell you that you are really pretty and think every man would like to have you as his wife. let me start by saying that I like to spoil my wife that is, when I have one I was born in the US city of Addison taxes but it was bread in Canada, in the city of springs Calgary.lithia of a female nurse and father . My parents met in college is what I was told ... to talk about my family, I am the only son of my late parents. Which reminds me of a good and beautiful family that we had together in the United States.
I lived in Calgary since I was brought here by my uncle to stay with him, and help me to break in his military after finishing high school in Addison taxes and studying mechanical engineering at a local community collage tax Addison .Later I enrolled in Marina Military Academy when I was 21 and graduated in 1984 as a major general. Little, then obtained a license from studies that have encouraged my education in the Defense Intelligence sponsored by the US Army at the university .. I was in and out of the field Ramstien in Germany, where I was given the charge as a captain, and that is, where most of the captains and generals of all the armies trained. My first stop was at the Royal Artillery Barracks, Woolwich, southeast London, I was in the Army for 28 years and have stayed at many bases in Calgary to work, 'like Germany, Iraq, the "Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and now in Syria . and believe me, I have seen and experienced to be in the United States, and I have never regretted to join the army. I love life and have a little 'love to share with a special lady. Life can be lonely without someone ...
Well I will stop here and hope to hear from you
Here are some of my pictures I will send to you
thank you and have a blessed day