Nam san,
Thank you for your info.
We are OK to make the parts sample for MACO.
However, we need to check something about these parts at first before the parts preparation.
1. new parts or current parts?
2.New Model Name (in case of new parts)
3.start from(mass-production)?
5.Pls ask Sriporn san which design staff at MACO requested the parts sample.
*I want to contact Japanese staff that issues and controls the drawings.
*Pls check Japanese staff name if possible too.
6.Drawing concept check needed
Actually,I found out some description mistake on MACO drawings so that I need to confirm the drawing
concept with MACO design staff.
7.The parts can be used for mass-production ? or trial only(temporary)?
You can check it out ay first,and then ,Pls discuss punching die payment with Sriporn san(In case of 1time use only.)
(*You can ask Sun san how to negociate with it)
8.requested delivery due (for the parts sample)