Synthesis, Characterization and Application of Y3Fe5O12
Nanocatalyst for Green Production of NH3 using
Magnetic Induction Method (MIM)
Abstract. Y3Fe5O12 (YIG) was prepared through sol-gel technique and sintered at three different temperatures
(1000-1200°C). Various characterizations on the morphological and structural properties of produced YIG
have been done as to understand the potential of this unique magnetic type nanomaterial to be used in the
catalyst application for ammonia synthesis at ambient or green production environment. YIG catalyst exposed
under magnetic induction of 0.1 T produced about 242.56μmol/h.g-cat yield of ammonia (NH3) at freezing
reaction temperature of 0oC. About 95.88% improvements of NH3 yield is produced in comparison with the
absence of magnetic induction reaction condition (10μmol/h.g-cat). Synthesis at 25°C yielded reduction about
0.90% lower than the synthesis at 0oC temperature. Thus, it is proven that the temperature engaged the
dominant roles in affecting the catalytic effect of YIG catalyst for NH3 production. Further parametric studies
should be conducted as to explore the robustness of YIG catalyst for new route of ammonia production until
the commercial scale-up could be achieved.
Keywords: YIG; garnet; sol-gel; different calcinating temperature; ammonia; magnetic induction method.