One the first time, that we were very excited because we must present about tenses in front of the class, such as present, past and future tenses, for we more understand tenses and we can use it properly. In addition, we learned about reported speech and direct speech, it made us known that who is a writer.
In this class, we learned about the present, the past, and the future tenses. The present there are present simple and present continuous. The future, there are future continuous and future simple. Another the past there are past simple, past perfect, past continuous and past perfect continuous. Abovementioned difference it depends on situation by thing happening now it is called present, thing that happened it is called past and thing that will happen it is called the future. Direct speech is speaking manually and reported speech is refer said other person.
In the morning, I got knowledge from doing exercise about new vocabularies and find answer, what tense is and explain reason. It made us know each sentence can use tenses more than a tense. We known mean and method use reported and direct speech with it was new knowledge for me.
Presentation about tenses in the class, it was sharing knowledge and understanding of ours. We can take knowledge about reported and direct speech use writing term paper, and research. In addition, we can take that knowledge use writing an essay, translate and studying English too.
There are many methods about learning English such as learning by a teacher and self-learning. That course, teacher assigns work by students each group study to present, past and future. Our group studied about the past and our group got to exchange knowledge with friends in group and outside group. Those were self-learning. Direct speech and reported speech are importance for communication and writing an English essay.