Hi Michael!!
Soo, I’m not sure if you knew this but I have been assigned the testwork over the borrowings third party evidence procedure. It’s going pretty well and I’ve finished most of the work, but as I was performing my testwork over the borrowings confirmation we got back from JM Bank & Trust and then I realized that I was going to need the JM Bank & Trust Loan Agreement in order to complete the testwork. I looked all throughout our files but can’t seem to find it. Do you know who would be able to get me this document? I really need to finish this testwork right away because Tony has been asking to review it. I’m not sure if you would have this document, but if so, can you send it to me? If you don’t have it, can you let me know who I should go talk to so that I can get it? I really do need it ASAP. Thanks!