ICME-13 needs the support of the scientific community for reviewing the contributions submitted to ICME-13. As Convenor of ICME-13 I would be grateful, if you could review contributions, which have been submitted to your chosen TSG.
In order to download the paper, please:
1. Go to the ICME-13 Conftool site at: https://www.conftool.pro/icme13/ and log in. If you have forgotten your password, you may require it via the Conftool system.
Your username is: pai
2. Select "Edit Reviews". Here you can download the manuscript.
3. After reading the contribution, please enter your review into the online form. Please select a rating score for each category and also enter your written comments.
4. A running session on ConfTool will timeout after about 2 hours, so it is important to either SAVE and/or SUBMIT your entries within this time frame (otherwise, unsaved entries will be lost). You can login to finish or update your review at any time before the deadline.
In order to comply with the tight review timeline of ICME-13, I need your review at or before 30th November 2015.
Please submit your comments online via Conftool. There you will find space for comments to the author and a report form to be completed.
Please refer to the review criteria given below and use one of the following ratings:
• Very high quality
• Good quality
• Borderline quality
• No relation to mathematics education
I look forward to receiving your review.