5. Compensation
Suppliers must compensate all workers with wages, overtime premiums, and benefits that meet or exceed legal requirements or collective agreements, whichever are higher. Suppliers are encouraged to provide wages that meet local industry standards. Suppliers are encouraged to provide wages and benefits that are sufficient to meet workers’ basic needs and provide some discretionary income for workers and their families.
A. Wages
1. Suppliers shall pay all workers employed, on probation, undergoing training, or participating in an apprenticeship program.
2. Suppliers must compensate all workers with wages, overtime premiums, and benefits which meet or exceed the applicable legal standards or labor agreements, whichever are higher.
a. Suppliers shall pay all workers the applicable overtime premium rate for all overtime hours worked.
b. Suppliers must ensure that workers on a per-piece payment scheme receive at least the minimum legal wage.
3. Workers should understand how their wages are calculated and be aware of their wage schedule.
4. Suppliers are encouraged to provide wages that meet local industry standards.
5. Suppliers are encouraged to provide wages and benefits that are sufficient to meet workers’ basic needs and provide some discretionary income for workers and their families.
B. Wage Periods
1. No wage period shall exceed 30 days.
2. Suppliers should pay earned wages no later than 30 days from beginning of the wage period.
C. Deductions
1. Suppliers may only make legally-allowed deductions from workers’ wages.
a. Deductions should not be excessive.
b. Suppliers shall not discipline any worker by deducting from that worker’s wages.
D. Documentation of Compensation
1. Suppliers must properly document all wage payments made to workers.
a. Suppliers must provide workers with written and understandable details regarding their employment and compensation.
b. Suppliers must provide workers with proof of payment in a language the worker understands.
c. All proof of payment must clearly show regular and overtime hours worked, regular and overtime rates and wages, bonuses, and deductions.
d. Wages, leave, bonuses, and other compensation should be accurately and clearly calculated.
2. Workers should confirm accuracy and receipt of payment for each payment in writing, or use a verifiable system of receipt.
E. Leave, Benefits, and Work Holidays
1. Suppliers must provide all legally required leave, benefits, and bonuses to all eligible workers.
2. Suppliers must excuse workers from work on all legally required work holidays
3. Suppliers will provide leave, benefits, bonuses, and work holidays to workers in a reasonable and timely manner.