Although it is well established that plant defence is under
genetic control, the outcome of defence signalling is also
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influenced by environmental conditions and nutritional
status. Understandably, much of the focus on defence
signalling has been on cytosol–nuclear interactions (e.g.
Mou et al., 2003; Kaminaka et al., 2006), but the
chloroplast, as the engine of plant growth, also plays
a crucial role.
Although it is well established that plant defence is undergenetic control, the outcome of defence signalling is alsoLight signalling in defence responses | 1629Downloaded from at Kasetsart University on September 4, 2015influenced by environmental conditions and nutritionalstatus. Understandably, much of the focus on defencesignalling has been on cytosol–nuclear interactions (e.g.Mou et al., 2003; Kaminaka et al., 2006), but thechloroplast, as the engine of plant growth, also playsa crucial role.
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