In the medical field, Continua Health Alliance released
the Continua Health Alliance's Design Guidelines [k]
[13] according to the ISO/IEEE11073 Personal Health
Data standards for vital sign devices (pulse oximeter,
blood pressure cuff, thermometer, weight scale, glucose
meter). Data can be shared using Bluetooth, Zigbee, and
USB, which correspond to these guidelines.
Near-Field Communication (NFC) is employed for small
devices with limited power such thermometers. Using
electromagnetic inductive coupling, the necessary
electricity can be supplied and communication can be
conducted by a reader/writer device, conserving power.
The NFC Dynamic Tag (FeliCa Plug) [14], which
corresponds to the NFC(ISO/IEC 18092 ISO/IEC 21481)
standards, shares memory between contactless devices,
so it is possible to manage information in the memory
from outside during electromagnetic coupling.