To build trust online, the users or agents need to develop at least one of these elements, web design or trust-building
behaviors. Web design was a possible option for Myspace
Profile Version 1.0 and 2.0, which allowed users to decorate
profiles with CSS codes [6]. A nice and clean design could
increase the number of Myspace friends to reach more than
10,000 friends. The researcher found that the level of trust to
contact with an anonymous user on social networking sites
was not high enough for an anonymous user to ask for the real
address of other users. Regular online users still have public
and private boundary for anonymous users to access, even
both have accepted each other as friends. is
another good example to study about online trust and
anonymous users. is an online art gallery
which users can upload, sell and receive the comments on
their artwork. Popular users on do not need to
show their real photo or real location. These users become
popular because they could create the artwork matching with
what other users like to see. Akdag Salah [24] found that
anime was one of the famous styles that could receive a lot of
comments on this site.