What is Englishspeak.com?
Englishspeak.com is a free and award winning new system for learning to speak English. The program contains lessons that give special attention to English pronunciation and everyday language. With over 100 lessons, Englishspeak.com provides a large amount of audio content. Users have access to two different speeds of playback for each item.
Why is Englishspeak.com necessary?
Many people who have had trouble learning to speak in the past believe incorrectly that they "just are not good at learning English." In reality it is because most English class environments are not ideal for learning to speak.
The problem with most English course material is that it is not strictly focused on teaching spoken language. Students who learn from these materials often end up sounding strange and like they are reading from a textbook. In addition, most students practice with each other and not with native speakers which results in mispronunciations and bad habits that leave little room for progress.