d) Socioeconomic risk factors
Socioeconomic risk factors are those
related to influence social conditions and
economic status of individuals as well as
the capacity of the community to challenge
them. These factors include: low income,
low education, inadequate housing, lack of
social interaction, limited access to health
and social care especially in remote areas,
and lack of community resources (see
Chapter 3 for further information)
5. Main protective factors
Protective factors for falls in older age are
related to behavioural change and environmental
modification. Behavioural change
to healthy lifestyle is a key ingredient to
encourage healthy ageing and avoid falls.
Non-smoking, moderate alcohol consumption,
maintaining weight within normal
range in mid to older age, playing an acceptable
level of sport protect older people
from falling (38). Furthermore, self-health
behaviour (e.g. proper level of simple …
walking) is integral to healthy ageing and
One example of the environmental modifications
is home modification. It prevents
older persons from hidden fall hazards in
daily activities at home. The modification
includes installation of stairway protective
devices such as railings, grab bars and
slip-resistant surfacing in the bathroom
and provision of lighting and handrails (39).
Age-friendly design in public environment
is also critical factor to avoid falls among
older adults. (see Chapter 5 for further