Table 1
Characteristics of women who received government-funded health care for singleton pregnancies.a
Variable South Asia Southeast Asia West Asia
From non-HSCs
(n = 7412)
From HSCs
(n = 1930)
P value From non-HSCs
(n = 5574)
From HSCs
(n = 107)
P value From non-HSCs
(n =990)
From HSCs
(n = 287)
P value
Interpreter requiredb 554/4526 (12.2) 634/1143 (55.5) b0.001 729/2311 (31.5) 49/73 (67.1) b0.001 68/390 (17.4) 60/114 (52.6) b0.001
Aged b20 y 26/7412 (0.4) 40/1930 (2.1) b0.001 80/5574 (1.4) 7/107 (6.5) b0.001 26/990 (2.6) 1/287 (0.4) 0.02
Multiparous 3467/7412 (46.8) 1390/1930 (72.0) b0.001 3136/5574 (56.3) 76/107 (71.0) 0.002 638/990 (64.4) 215/287 (74.9) 0.001
BMI ≥25.0c 2581/5942 (43.4) 810/1525 (53.1) b0.001 854/3551 (24.1) 37/86 (43.0) b0.001 305/628 (48.6) 123/183 (67.2) b0.001
Anemia 325/7412 (4.4) 118/1930 (6.1) b0.001 100/5574 (1.8) 10/107 (9.4) b0.001 52/990 (5.3) 10/287 (3.5) 0.22
Vitamin D deficiency/insufficiencyd 1270/3717 (34.2) 312/907 (34.4) 0.90 419/1777 (23.6) 16/62 (25.8) 0.69 78/287 (27.2) 30/82 (36.6) 0.10
Spouse 6851/6899 (99.3) 1835/1864 (98.4) b0.001 4163/4726 (88.1) 89/98 (90.8) 0.41 817/844 (96.8) 261/265 (98.5) 0.15
Previous cesarean 1079/3467 (31.1) 193/1390 (13.9) b0.001 647/3136 (20.6) 10/76 (13.2) 0.11 127/638 (19.9) 46/215 (21.4) 0.64
Pre-existing diabetes 86/7411 (1.2) 8/1930 (0.4) 0.003 24/5572 (0.4) 2/107 (1.9) 0.09 7/989 (0.7) 1/287 (0.4) 0.69
Live in a socioeconomically
disadvantaged area
3333/7319 (45.5) 859/1930 (44.5) 0.42 2845/5533 (51.4) 85/107 (79.4) b0.001 497/986 (50.4) 162/286 (56.6) 0.06
Abbreviations: HSC, humanitarian source country; BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters).
a Values are given as number/total number for whom data were available (percentage) unless indicated otherwise.
b Data collected from 2008.
c Data collected from 2005, but consistently from 2008.
d Data collected from 2009