From Fig. 6, it can be seen that the theory
was applicable in this work as the G0 and G00 of pure PBS and
the PBS/nano-CaCO3 composites increased with an increase
of frequency. Furthermore, at 150 C, the samples were in
the molten state, acted as viscous liquids, which can
explain the G0 < G00 for both pure PBS and PBS/nano-CaCO3
composites. This indicated that all the samples showed
viscous behavior in the frequency range tested. The G0 and
G00 of the samples increased slightly with increase of the
nano-CaCO3 content, except for the sample PBSn9. The G0
and G00 of PBSn9 were lower than PBSn5 at low frequency,
which may due to poor dispersion of the nano-CaCO3
particles in the PBS matrix.