Dear Co owner
This mail to inform you that during the night of 17th of June to 18th of June someone cowardly scratched my car and the car of my wife Khun Surijit as you can see on the attached pictures.
Of course those scratches are in relation with the legal actions that the committee members engaged based on the resolutions voted at majority by the co owners at the AGM meeting in 2015 and 2016.
This is unacceptable and of course police was immediately informed and came Saturday 18th of June in the morning. The case is now under investigation. On Monday the committee members had a meeting (khun Thasanee was not here but was informed by phone before the meeting and after the meeting by mail. She agreed one hundred per cent with the vote). You will be able to read it in the attached minutes of meeting.
What happened is criminal and cannot be accepted. We work a lot for the building and free of charge. How it can happen. Who can be so mentally sick to do such thing.
Best Regards
Jerome Burnel