One common posttranslational modification observed in Mabsis a cyclized N-terminal glutamine [20–23]
when either the heavy and/or light chain sequences begin with glutamine. This reactioninvolves the cyclization of the N-terminal amine and the subsequent loss of NH3 (17 Da). The gene sequence of the heavy and light chains of many Mabs codes for an N-terminal glutamine,but upon sequencing the N-terminal amino acid is predominantly found as the cyclized pyro-glutamic acid form [20,22,24]. Regardless the source, ascites or stirred tank at different scales, all the heavy chain N-terminal glutamines were found as pyro-glutamic acid, exclusively.
One common posttranslational modification observed in Mabsis a cyclized N-terminal glutamine [20–23] when either the heavy and/or light chain sequences begin with glutamine. This reactioninvolves the cyclization of the N-terminal amine and the subsequent loss of NH3 (17 Da). The gene sequence of the heavy and light chains of many Mabs codes for an N-terminal glutamine,but upon sequencing the N-terminal amino acid is predominantly found as the cyclized pyro-glutamic acid form [20,22,24]. Regardless the source, ascites or stirred tank at different scales, all the heavy chain N-terminal glutamines were found as pyro-glutamic acid, exclusively.
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