Seedbed preparation included plowing, disk harrowing, and
cultivating. Foxtail millet (Setaria italic L.), KMF9, used in this
experiment was released by the Seed and Plant Improvement
Institute of Iran. The experimental design for this study was a
split plot with a randomized complete block design and four
replicates. Main plot treatments comprised the application of
three types of irrigation water (well water, 50 diluted municipal
sewage effluent and raw municipal sewage effluent). Subplot
treatments consisted of four combinations of foliar micronutrient
fertilizer sprays: treatment A0: no foliar fertilizer (tap water
spraying); treatment A1: foliar fertilization with MnSO4
(34.2 Mn) in a dose of 850 mg l1 (1.02 kg ha1 of MnSO4);
treatment A2: foliar fertilization with ZnSO4 (38.4Zn) in a dose
of 850 mg l1 (1.02 kg ha1 of ZnSO4); and treatment A3:
foliar fertilization with a combination of ZnSO4 and MnSO4
(1.02 kg ha1 of ZnSO4 and 1.02 kg ha1 of MnSO4). The
treatments were performed in 5 · 6 m plots, and the crops were
sown with 0.50 m space between the rows and 0.10 m space between
the plants, giving a plant density of 200,000 plants ha