Nowadays for some particular clients, Feng Shui application is needed in their building's construction. When those clients use architect's services, they often use Feng Shui expert's services to evaluate the architecture design. The difference arguments between architects and Feng Shui experts brought in by the client cause propelling development of a building. Alternatively, clients can use Feng Shui master architect but relatively few in number in Indonesia and must be paid handsomely. In this paper, an expert system to evaluate residential architectural design with Feng Shui method will be developed. Feng Shui has some method to evaluate the architectural designs ranging from the surrounding environments, external layout, and internal layout. The evaluation methods used in this paper are Form School, Yin/Yang, and Five Elements Theory. Development of expert system using an expert system development life cycle called the Linear Model. Expert system development involves consultation with a master architect, book titled "Feng Shui for the Home" by Evelyn Lip, and references from previous related research by Michael Y. Mak and S. Y Thomas Ng. Knowledge representations used here are block diagram, dependency diagrams, and some sets of rules. Knowledge mapped into a block diagram and three dependency diagrams, one for each evaluation module. This expert system development involves 33 rules that are included in 22 sets of rules. There are 21 sets of rules to generate the data abstraction and a set of rules that generate solutions. This expert system implemented using WebCLIPS. After a user gives input data, the system will display the results and give an explanation why the results have been obtained. Tests conducted internally and externally to the system functionality and user input variation. The results show that the system can function properly and produce the right answers for a wide variety of cases.