The DIN/SRP ratio changed both seasonally and spatially.In general, DIN/SRP were lower than the algal N/P (Redfieldratio) throughout most of the harbour stations, increasing to >16:1 only at station 1 (summer and autumn) and stations9 and 10 (summer). Low DIN:SRP ratios (<5) during spring andwinter 2013 suggested that nitrogen could be the principallimiting nutrient. The RS/SRP ratio underwent more complexseasonal changes. Except in winter 2012, the ratio RS/SRPwas <16:1 all the year round. Higher ratios were observed inwinter 2012, suggesting less demand for RS relative toSRP. This is consistent with high proportions of Si-requiringdiatoms in the phytoplankton community during spring-winter2013 and primarily non-siliceous forms in spring.
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