This current The supplement became widely known Among healthy lover because of the harsh environment, all the dust in the air, or toxic substances that contaminate food and drinking water to the poor and all of our long economy that makes job problems become harder until chest has no time to think of another story. Do not have time to eat sufficient health care. The supplement is therefore useful and convenient solution for increasingly health-conscious people have well apart from different types of supplements are sold widely in the present, whether it is fish oil extraction of chicken soup if I were still Prim oil garlic granule. Vitamin tablets Thotkat carrots, etc. and then "bird nest" is also one of the supplements are gaining popularity because it helps keep the body nourishing, refreshing, strong cough, asthmatic cough and also discovered that in people smoking. The eating. Bird nest every morning will help shape kaikrapri kraprao. Reducing the cough and lung, helping Fokker.