Cooperation among the three major riparian states Egypt, Sudan and Ethiopia with good faith and sincerity will guarantee the optimal utilization of the Nile River. Egypt is in need of additional water to reduce its increasing food import while Sudan also needs water to promote development after losing petroleum to the South (Salman, 2014). Ethiopian highlands provide better water storage facilities than the present one at Lake Nasser. Moreover, by building dams like the GERD in Ethiopia, huge hydropower potential could be tapped, enabling basin countries to efficiently use the underground water as an alternative source of supply. These upstream dams could also help prevent silts and prolong the life of the downstream dams. There is a need to build trust among Ethiopia, Sudan, and Egypt, for helping them to enter into a mutually dependent cooperative framework, which will not only ensure best possible use of scarce Nile River water, but also promote regional cooperation and development.