Nicole and faculty (Nichols and others 1995), describes the design of a good web page. Consider the data and presentation. Want to come in any form, such as text, graphics, or audio by principle design web pages, as follows:
1.Content presentation
.To present information through the web page. Should consider the information presented that information in the interest of the audience or related or not. And presentation that if too much.So in the presentation of information through a web page. Should start with general information. And imports to the content will be presented. Which the general content may be in the homepage the details.
. 2 capacity of information.Because web pages can link to the web together easily. Only the points on the links. So each page should have the capacity of data is not too much.By only using the scroll bar on the side of the scroll to read the data. Sometimes the reader may abandon reading and out of our web pages to
.The rules are simple. Presentation of the data in each page. To see if the free space (white space) in a web page, if there is space less than 30 percent. So on the web that has capacity of too much information. If the content is too long.And can be specialized in a paragraph that Or may be used to place the subject between the content. The topic is usually the letters will larger than normal content The space between each content than the use of paragraph.Instead of putting a side. The position of one image that monitor doesn't balance
.3 style of presentation.
. The important model in web page design is
3.1 using web page structure reasonable
. Using the structure of web pages that is appropriate to the user can track the content and
.A link to the topic or functions to quickly and conveniently, and proposed that the content. Should be presented with general information. And link to the more information.It will be explained from previous acts such as similar as we compile content is. The user can choose to read it!3.2 using patterns of characters and graphics
.In this section will make web pages are interesting and impressive when first came in. Which is challenging the designers. The following principles may help to design web pages are interesting increase will do 3.2.1 using color
.The use of color that are only pictures or graphics. It includes the use of the color of the characters. However, the selection must be reasonable and consistent with the contents 3.2.2 space
.The importance of leaving empty space in a web page. As a muscle relaxation sight of readers. If a web page that contains too much content, when readers. For a long time will cause eye fatigue3.2.3 font size
.In web page design. Besides language HTML also software or program of choice. Which each type can specify the form and size of text in various ways.Such as the content is used small letters The headings used in big letters. And there may be a different color from the content. In order to help readers can distinguish easily
4. Using a suitable graphics
.The use of graphics on the web that may help the web better. But could affect access to pages that take more time. Depending on the limits of the computer and the program through use.By the principle as follows:
.4.1 should use graphics as necessary in each web page copyright and should have a beautiful and disturbing content to present
4.2 should have the limitations of the graphics in each web page. May be used 1 or 2 image on Web page is enough
4.3 if possible, should do a web page out 2. That one contains graphics. And another no graphics. This method will make the audience can choose. Sometimes the audience may not need to look at the graphics.
5. Using sound
.The use of sound files may make web pages are more interesting. However, everyone in the audience doesn't always sound. The use of sound files also makes the capacity of data quantity.So, you will choose to file the sound should be considered carefully before that is necessary or not!
6. Modernization of information
.Updated information for events contribute to the web are interesting and impressive track should have a survey at least once a month. And if you can change the data up to date.Put the date, time, and changes in the data it is important factor to let the audience know ว่าข้อมูล in our web pages are modern only? Web page!
. 7. Public relationsAlthough we design and build web pages well by then. But it is not easy for people to know and come to visit. When our web pages were brought to the network.Know. Besides, public relations through various web pages are available and make
.Our web pages is known the other one
8. Highlights of the proposed
to say that any web release water is hard to answer adequately. Some people may say that mean good web web entertainment fun care.
Nicole and faculty (Nichols and others 1995), describes the design of a good web page. Consider the data and presentation. Want to come in any form, such as text, graphics, or audio by principle design web pages, as follows: 1.Content presentation .To present information through the web page. Should consider the information presented that information in the interest of the audience or related or not. And presentation that if too much.So in the presentation of information through a web page. Should start with general information. And imports to the content will be presented. Which the general content may be in the homepage the details.. 2 capacity of information.Because web pages can link to the web together easily. Only the points on the links. So each page should have the capacity of data is not too much.By only using the scroll bar on the side of the scroll to read the data. Sometimes the reader may abandon reading and out of our web pages to .The rules are simple. Presentation of the data in each page. To see if the free space (white space) in a web page, if there is space less than 30 percent. So on the web that has capacity of too much information. If the content is too long.And can be specialized in a paragraph that Or may be used to place the subject between the content. The topic is usually the letters will larger than normal content The space between each content than the use of paragraph.Instead of putting a side. The position of one image that monitor doesn't balance .3 style of presentation. . The important model in web page design is 3.1 using web page structure reasonable . Using the structure of web pages that is appropriate to the user can track the content and .A link to the topic or functions to quickly and conveniently, and proposed that the content. Should be presented with general information. And link to the more information.It will be explained from previous acts such as similar as we compile content is. The user can choose to read it!3.2 using patterns of characters and graphics .In this section will make web pages are interesting and impressive when first came in. Which is challenging the designers. The following principles may help to design web pages are interesting increase will do 3.2.1 using color .The use of color that are only pictures or graphics. It includes the use of the color of the characters. However, the selection must be reasonable and consistent with the contents 3.2.2 space .The importance of leaving empty space in a web page. As a muscle relaxation sight of readers. If a web page that contains too much content, when readers. For a long time will cause eye fatigue3.2.3 font size .In web page design. Besides language HTML also software or program of choice. Which each type can specify the form and size of text in various ways.Such as the content is used small letters The headings used in big letters. And there may be a different color from the content. In order to help readers can distinguish easily .4. Using a suitable graphics .The use of graphics on the web that may help the web better. But could affect access to pages that take more time. Depending on the limits of the computer and the program through use.By the principle as follows: .4.1 should use graphics as necessary in each web page copyright and should have a beautiful and disturbing content to present 4.2 should have the limitations of the graphics in each web page. May be used 1 or 2 image on Web page is enough 4.3 if possible, should do a web page out 2. That one contains graphics. And another no graphics. This method will make the audience can choose. Sometimes the audience may not need to look at the graphics.5. Using sound .The use of sound files may make web pages are more interesting. However, everyone in the audience doesn't always sound. The use of sound files also makes the capacity of data quantity.So, you will choose to file the sound should be considered carefully before that is necessary or not!6. Modernization of information .Updated information for events contribute to the web are interesting and impressive track should have a survey at least once a month. And if you can change the data up to date.Put the date, time, and changes in the data it is important factor to let the audience know ว่าข้อมูล in our web pages are modern only? Web page!. 7. Public relationsAlthough we design and build web pages well by then. But it is not easy for people to know and come to visit. When our web pages were brought to the network.Know. Besides, public relations through various web pages are available and make .Our web pages is known the other one 8. Highlights of the proposed to say that any web release water is hard to answer adequately. Some people may say that mean good web web entertainment fun care.
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