There are many solar active phenomena, such as flares, filament eruptions, suns pots, and so on the sun. The study on rising, evolution and disappearance of all kinds of solar active phenomena is very important for finding their relevant law, finding out interrelationship, enhance capabilities of forecasting and predicting geo-effective events and space weather. The data volume of ground-and space-based solar observation has dramatically increased over the last decade with the advance of large-area array digital detector systems. Lt has become impossible for an observer or a researcher to recording and scrutinizes all the energetic events. Lt is a focus that how to provide data information service conveniently for solar physics, space science and space weather prediction and forecast. For these reason, the automatic detecting of solar active phenomena or events, extracting of their physic parameters and releasing of the relevant information are an important project and task. For the past many years, the study on method of solar automatic detection has been in progress. In order to carry out the automatic detection of solar active phenomena overall, a survey of study on their methods, their veracities, computing speeds and ease of learning of these methods etc. are summarized in the article.