This studyaimedatinvestigatingtheinfluence ofthe “reaction time” and the “fiber/acid ratio” on the
properties ofnanocrystallinecelluloseisolatedfromcornhusk,whichwaschosenbecauseitisabundant
and sofarithasnotbeenextensivelyinvestigatedasaraw-materialoptiontoproducenanocrystalline cellulose. The results showed that corn husk can be used to produce nanocrystalline celluloseand also that reaction time affected the crystallinity index,particle size and thermal stability of theproducts.
Additionally,aninteraction between the reaction time and fiber/acid ratioonthecry stallinity degree
was observed.When dried by a spray-drying technique,the nanocrystalline cellulose aqueous dispersion
produced agglomerates of particles with spherical and irregular shapes.