Justin Shoemaker is a bit of an odd man.
Although he was actually a shoe maker and designer, he followed it not just because of his last name, although he joked it was his destiny to do so because of it. His parents didn't take this well as they wanted their son to take up a different occupation since they didn't see this as a lucrative occupation choice. But in the end, he refused and chose this path for himself.
The decision was partly made due to the fact that he had a foot fetish as well. He thought being a designer for women's shoes would surround him in tons of beautiful feet, but life had a strange way of throwing curveballs at him. It wasn't as he expected, but he continued anyway in hopes of being able to fulfill his perverted desires.
He even went so far as to move to Korea as he loved the feet of Asian women in particular. He found more success there and being new to the culture and everything surrounding him, Justin fell in love with Korean pop music. His favorite group turned out to be a group of three, TaeTiSeo, and he watched them grow musically ever since they debuted. As luck would find it, Justin was able to land a job to design shoes for some pop artists and groups, TaeTiSeo included.
It was the turn in his life he so desired and he became a private specialist for them. The artists needed shoes and heels that fit them for every special event as well as their performances and Justin was the man to go to. Often times, he would remake their footwear even twice a month to ensure the quality and fit was absolutely pristine. Needless to say, he was happy with his career for various reasons.
Now deep in his path, he became fluent in Korean and had his own little shop, though most of his revenue and visits came from the Korean idols and their agencies. Occasionally, he would have random people enter, but it wasn't nearly as often as the singers. Justin became acquainted with some of them as well, and he could call them friends even if they didn't think the same about him.
Currently midday at his store with nothing surrounding him but women's shoes, Justin was sitting around the counter about to nod off to sleep. A sudden entrance woke up him and as he lifted his head up, he saw a refreshing face. A short blonde walked into the room and it was Taeyeon. It seemed about to be the time for her tri-monthly visit.
"Hello Taeyeon, it's that time again?" He welcomed a bit overly ecstatic at her arrival.
"Yeah. You're not busy, are you?"
"No, I was just about to fall asleep!" He replied, inciting a giggle from her.
Taeyeon took a few steps forward wearing some sandal heels, pink and glittery. Justin surreptitiously took a few peeks while she looked around, making sure she didn't catch him looking down there.
"Need another pair?" He said, now looking at them in plain sight.
"Yes, these still fit but I think new ones would feel more comfortable!"
"Sure thing. Want me to measure you again?"
Taeyeon nodded and Justin reached under the desk to take out some measuring tape. It was a bit ridiculous to have to measure their feet in a span of a few times a month, but he didn't mind. Shoes were one of the material possessions women couldn't get enough of and Justin was just lucky enough to be caught in the middle of all of this.
The two made their way over to a chair and Taeyeon slipped out of her footwear and held one foot out in the open. Justin grabbed it gently in his hands and rubbed a bit. To Taeyeon, the purpose was to measure the size of her foot and she didn't think anything of it. But Justin, this was the few minutes of ecstasy he could get while working in this otherwise lonely shop of his.
Merely touching Taeyeon's foot made his cock erect, but he squatted in a position where the bulge wouldn't compromise anything. Having done this quite a few times, he became a professional when it came to this. But wanting to drag this out as long as possible, he took his sweet time in caressing it even though he knew nothing about the size changed. He decided to check anyway and measured her foot with the tape just as a standard procedure
"Oh my! You grew about one millimeter in length!" He lied as a joke.
"Ah...I knew it! These just didn't feel right at all." She replied, not being able to take the American's jest.
"You want a replica? Or a new pair completely?" He responded, ignoring the fact Taeyeon was a bit of a airhead at this. The cute expression she wore made him not want to reprimand her.
"Mmm...I think I want a new one. I'm getting tired of looking at these to be honest."
Taeyeon nudged her sandals around with her feet and even picked them up slightly to twirl them around. With a curious expression on her face, she scanned and seemed to be appraising their worth, only to decide they were to be tossed away for new ones despite it only being a few weeks that she had them.
"Sure. Like always, you mind if I take these?" He asked. Ever since he started this mostly private business contract with the Korean pop idols' agencies, it was always his standard procedure to take their footwear that they didn't want anymore.
"Oh, go ahead! But why do you take these again?"
"I can salvage some of the material used for future shoes. Your footwear doesn't need to die in vain!" He said in another joking manner.
"Ah...how fascinating!" She giggled.
"Anyway, I'll be right back to pick out a new pair."
Just like that, Justin immediately stood up with both of her heel sandals in hand. He made his way to his desk and around it, entering the room behind whose vision was blocked by some curtains. Just a few steps in from the drapes, he stopped dead in his tracks.
It was true that he could salvage some of the material even if it was just a little, but that wasn't his real purpose. Throughout the years, he collected all the worn shoes the members had to satisfy his own desires. Hot off the press, the footwear he held was recently worn by Taeyeon of TaeTiSeo and there was no way he was going to let these be thrown away to a trash can. They were too valuable for that.
His hands shook with excitement as he held these recently worn footwear. Now in the privacy of the back of the store, he promptly brought the heels up to his face and inhaled the section where her feet touched them. Because they were open toed footwear, the smell wasn't captured strongly. But he could still smell just an inkling of her scent and that alone was enough for him.
No matter how many times throughout his career he spent doing this, it never grew old or boring. Smelling their used footwear behind the girls' backs excited him heavily. The scent here was light and mostly comprised of just leather, but there was a slightly sweet scent present. Justin took a few more whiffs of it before deciding to stop and save it for later tonight in private. Before arousing any suspicion, he had to find a new pair of shoes for Taeyeon.
"Justin?" A female voice suddenly said, startling him as he was undertaking an activity that should never be discovered. He quickly turned around to see only Taeyeon's head through the curtain.
"T-Taeyeon, wait. This isn't...this isn't what you think it is." He stuttered out.
"Are you...are you smelling my shoes?" She asked with a curious tone. Justin immediately hid her footwear behind his back and tried to play innocent despite already being caught.
"No, I uh...was trying to see something up close." He lied.
"With your nose?" She retorted.
The gig was up, and the years he spent hiding this craze of his was done in vain. Their relationship would never be the same if he even remained the go-to person for their footwear sales. Taeyeon pushed her entire body through the curtains and walked forward, Justin moving backwards as a response to her strides.