of chronic conditions and disabilities have their roots in childhood as well as in young and middle-aged adult life. If a substantive decrease in the impact of falls on the health and quality of life of older persons is to be achieved, it will be necessary to develop programmes and policies that create sup- portive environments, reduce risk factors and foster healthy choices at all stages of the life course. Any effective falls prevention strategy will also need to acknowledge the real- ity that globally, women are at greater risk for falls and fall-related injuries than men. Accordingly, gender issues need to be considered in the development of all poli- cies, programmes and practices. The WHO Active Ageing Framework reminds us that in many societies, girls and women have lower social status and less access to food, education, meaningful work and health services. Because the consequences of falls disproportionately impact older women it is especially important that these factors be addressed proactively and explicitly within the Falls Prevention for Active Ageing context. Moreover, it is also important to observe that mortality rates resulting from injuries caused by falls are higher among older men than women of same age for reasons that are not yet fully understood. More research in this regard is urgently needed.
Finally, falls prevention policies and pro- grammes cannot be targeted at only one level of determinants or risk-factors. Effective strategies will need to acknowl- edge and balance multiple levels of de- terminants including recognizing the importance of individual-level risk factors and responsibilities; the development of age-friendly and enabling environments; and the formulation of policies and pro- grammes that maximize participation and inclusion of older persons. The WHO Falls Prevention Model is built around three pillars that are highly inter- related and mutually dependent; (1) Building awareness of the importance of falls prevention and treatment; (2) Improving the assessment of individual, environmental and societal factors that increase the likelihood of falls; and (3) Facilitating the design and implementa- tion of culturally-appropriated evidence- based interventions that will significantly reduce the number of falls among older persons. Making progress in implementing the strat- egies identified in each of these pillars will require an ongoing commitment to capac- ity building, education, and training in all countries and regions.
of chronic conditions and disabilities have their roots in childhood as well as in young and middle-aged adult life. If a substantive decrease in the impact of falls on the health and quality of life of older persons is to be achieved, it will be necessary to develop programmes and policies that create sup- portive environments, reduce risk factors and foster healthy choices at all stages of the life course. Any effective falls prevention strategy will also need to acknowledge the real- ity that globally, women are at greater risk for falls and fall-related injuries than men. Accordingly, gender issues need to be considered in the development of all poli- cies, programmes and practices. The WHO Active Ageing Framework reminds us that in many societies, girls and women have lower social status and less access to food, education, meaningful work and health services. Because the consequences of falls disproportionately impact older women it is especially important that these factors be addressed proactively and explicitly within the Falls Prevention for Active Ageing context. Moreover, it is also important to observe that mortality rates resulting from injuries caused by falls are higher among older men than women of same age for reasons that are not yet fully understood. More research in this regard is urgently needed.Finally, falls prevention policies and pro- grammes cannot be targeted at only one level of determinants or risk-factors. Effective strategies will need to acknowl- edge and balance multiple levels of de- terminants including recognizing the importance of individual-level risk factors and responsibilities; the development of age-friendly and enabling environments; and the formulation of policies and pro- grammes that maximize participation and inclusion of older persons. The WHO Falls Prevention Model is built around three pillars that are highly inter- related and mutually dependent; (1) Building awareness of the importance of falls prevention and treatment; (2) Improving the assessment of individual, environmental and societal factors that increase the likelihood of falls; and (3) Facilitating the design and implementa- tion of culturally-appropriated evidence- based interventions that will significantly reduce the number of falls among older persons. Making progress in implementing the strat- egies identified in each of these pillars will require an ongoing commitment to capac- ity building, education, and training in all countries and regions.
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