In Table 4 (presented in Appendix) we check institutional ownership concentration
(measured with ownership percentage of top 5 institutional shareholdings) on CEO total
compensation (Model 1). Results of ordinary least square regression show that
institutional ownership concentration is negatively related to chief executive officer total
compensation (t=-3.544 significant at 1% level). In Model 2 we introduce one-year
lagged values of the control variables. After controlling for firm size, profitability and
growth opportunities we got the same results as in the Model 1, but with lower level of
significance. Particularly we find that institutional ownership has negative and
statistically significant correlation with CEO total compensation (t=-2.148 significant at
5% level). Our results show that on average and holding all the other variables of the
second model the same, a 1% increase in top 5 institutional shareholding percentage
reduces total compensation of chief executive officer by 0.62%.