Shrinkage during drying plays an important role in determining the quality of the dried
product. In this paper, a method based on computer vision was used to analyze the effect
of drying on shrinkage of potato slices. The computer vision system consisted of a digital
camera, illumination, computer hardware and software was developed to capture and
process the images. Variations in area, perimeter, major and minor diameters, diameters
parallel and perpendicular to airflow, Feret diameter, roundness were measured in intervals
during drying. All morphological features decreased smoothly with drying time. Shrinkage
of the potato slices decreased almost linearly with moisture content. Results showed that
airflow direction had significant effect on parallel and perpendicular diameters in 60 and
70 ◦C and had no significant effect when temperature was 80 ◦C. Drying time decreased with
increasing air temperature.