ABB central inverters raise reliability,
efficiency and ease of installation to
new levels. The inverters are aimed
at system integrators and end users
who require high performance solar
inverters for large photovoltaic (PV)
power plants. The inverters are
available from 100 kW up to 1000 kW,
and are optimized for cost-efficient
multi-megawatt power plants.
World’s leading inverter platform
The ABB central inverters have been
developed on the basis of decades
of experience in the industry and
proven technology platform. Unrivalled
expertise from the world’s market
and technology leader in frequency
converters is the hallmark of this solar
inverter series.
Based on ABB’s highly successful
platform and the most widely used
frequency converters on the market
– the inverters are the most efficient
and cost-effective way to convert the
direct current (DC) generated by solar
modules into high-quality and CO2-free
alternating current (AC) that can be fed
into the power distribution network.
Solar inverters from ABB
ABB central inverters are ideal for large
PV power plants but are also suitable
for large-sized power plants installed
in commercial or industrial buildings.
High efficiency, proven components,
compact and modular design and a
host of life cycle services ensures ABB
central inverters provide a rapid return
on investment.
− High total performance
− Modular and compact product design
− Extensive DC and AC side protection
− Full grid support functionality
− Fast and easy installation
− Complete range of industrial-type
data communication options,
including remote monitoring
− Life cycle service and support
through ABB’s extensive global
service network
Solar inverters