Rhabdoviruses are enveloped negative-sense,single-stranded RNA
viruses which as a group can infect humans,livestock,wildlife, fish
and plants Likeother plant viruses,plant rhabdoviruses are expected to encode protein
with RSS activity,but data on their identification and possible
mode of action are limited.Among viruses of the genus Nucleorhabdovirus, sonchus yellow net virus(SYNV) phosphoprotein(P)was shown to have local RSS activity but was not further characterized while P6 of rice yellow stunt virus(RYSV) was
identified as a systemic RSS and shown to prevent RNA silencing
amplification No RSS has so far been identified in
any member of the second plant-infecting rhabdovirus genus,
Cytorhabdo virus. Given the importance of RSS in the virus infection cycle,
we examined the cytorhabdovirus type species Lettuce necrotic yellows
virus (LNYV)for this property.The LNYV genome consists of 12,807
nucleotides and encodes six proteins in the order3'-N(nucleoprotein)–
P(phosphoprotein)–4b(putative movement protein)–M(matrix pro-
tein)–G(glycoprotein)–L(polymerase)-5' Although recent studies have delineated LNYV proteins'
subcellular localization and interactions in plant a
functional analysis has yet to be reported.In this study,we demonstrate that LNYV Pprotein acts as an RSS in plants,but not in Drosophila melanogaster S2 insect cells,and characterize effects on local and systemic RNA silencing and accumulation of siRNAs in
Nicotiana benthamiana.
Rhabdoviruses are enveloped negative-sense,single-stranded RNAviruses which as a group can infect humans,livestock,wildlife, fishand plants Likeother plant viruses,plant rhabdoviruses are expected to encode protein with RSS activity,but data on their identification and possiblemode of action are limited.Among viruses of the genus Nucleorhabdovirus, sonchus yellow net virus(SYNV) phosphoprotein(P)was shown to have local RSS activity but was not further characterized while P6 of rice yellow stunt virus(RYSV) wasidentified as a systemic RSS and shown to prevent RNA silencingamplification No RSS has so far been identified inany member of the second plant-infecting rhabdovirus genus, Cytorhabdo virus. Given the importance of RSS in the virus infection cycle,we examined the cytorhabdovirus type species Lettuce necrotic yellowsvirus (LNYV)for this property.The LNYV genome consists of 12,807nucleotides and encodes six proteins in the order3'-N(nucleoprotein)–P(phosphoprotein)–4b(putative movement protein)–M(matrix pro-tein)–G(glycoprotein)–L(polymerase)-5' Although recent studies have delineated LNYV proteins'subcellular localization and interactions in plant a functional analysis has yet to be reported.In this study,we demonstrate that LNYV Pprotein acts as an RSS in plants,but not in Drosophila melanogaster S2 insect cells,and characterize effects on local and systemic RNA silencing and accumulation of siRNAs inNicotiana benthamiana.
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