g) that the term "insured" applies to each of the persons comprising the insured as if a separate policy of insurance had been issued to each of them (subject always to the overall sum insured not being increased as a result); and
h) that any non-disclosure, breach of any duty or act or omission by one insured does not prejudice the right of any other insured to claim under any Insurance;
i) (prior notice): except for the employers' liability and workers' compensation insurance policies and the motor vehicle insurance covering third party death and injury to persons, must contain a term which requires the insurer to give Suretex and the Supplier 20 Business Days’ notice prior to:
j) the insurer giving either party a notice of cancellation;
k) the insurer cancelling the policy on the request of either party;
l) either party allowing the policy to expire; or
m) the insurer giving either party any other notice in respect of the policy;
n) (loss payee): in the case of the Insurances specified above must name Suretex and the Supplier as joint loss payees.