APPLICATION FOR HOUSING LOAN FROM HDB FOR PURCHASE OF RESALE FLAT AT APT BLK _______________________________________________________________________
Date of Application:
1 We confirm that we have read and understood the attached “Terms and Conditions of Housing Loan for HDB Resale Flats” and agree to abide by the Terms and Conditions at all times.
2 We understand that HDB’s approval of this housing loan application is subject to HDB’s prevailing policies, rules, regulations and any other terms and conditions as may be imposed by HDB from time to time.
3 We are aware that if any information given below is untrue or incorrect, HDB shall have the right to cancel or revoke the application or approval for the loan and/or to take such action as HDB deems necessary.
4 We agree and confirm that we shall pay the monthly loan instalments using our CPF monies or through GIRO or using both CPF monies and through GIRO. If our CPF monies are insufficient to pay the monthly loan instalments at any time, we will arrange to pay the monthly loan instalments through GIRO.
Particulars of Buyers (Applicants)
Name NRIC /UI No.
Gross Monthly Income
Signature of Applicant