However, age- and region-related differences were present,
except for the aminopeptidase A activity Lactase activity was higher in the proximal
than in the distal part of the small intestine in all age groups and for both regions the lowest
in piglets of 28 d old In the proximal part of the small intestine, sucrase and maltase activities
were increased in 10 and 28 d old piglets whereas in the distal
part of the small intestine the highest activities were observed in 28 d old piglets
No effect of birth weight on the Ki-67 proliferation index was observed.
However, 10 d old piglets had less proliferating cells compared to newborn and 28 d old piglets Intestinal fatty acid binding protein a marker of damage of the intestinal mucosa was undetectable
in LBW and NBW piglets throughout the suckling period. To conclude, birth weight had no
influence on small intestinal development and function. However, the results confirm that the development
and function of the small intestine alters with age