Pizza's history began in 1951, when 79 via Suez's volcano bombs, and the storming of the city of Pompeii in both cities. Since then, about 1948. Grand Hotel Philadelphia eye 640 barrel-Li was found in many of the ancient firewood oven, the ruins of the city where one of 500,000 thuklawa all stove ashes are found the bread oven is stuck in up to 7 kg. (Before the town Pompeii will be dropping by lava and volcanic ash) as opposed to baked bread to eat with this ancient firewood oven, which assumes that the burger in the city, Poly Prep baking bread on the stove, firewood, antiques like this comes about 700 years ago, and then later in the week.RS 1700 city poly has applied some of the herbs with the tomatoes on bread baked in a firewood oven and ancient. This is the starting point of the Marina's pizza and pizzeria restaurant in Nagoya in poly opened in 1830