2.3. Microorganisms and cultivationsB. cepacia CCM 2656 (ATCC 17759) was purchased from the Czech Collectionof Microorganisms. The bacterial culture was cultivated in mineral salt mediumdescribed by Bertrand et al. [22]. SCGH, salt solutions and microelement solutionswere autoclaved separately (115◦C, 20 min) and then aseptically reconstituted atroom temperature prior to the inoculation to reach desired portion of SCGH inthe medium and final concentration of salts. The cultivations were performed inErlenmeyer flasks (volume 250 ml) containing 50 ml of the cultivation media. Thetemperature was set to 30◦C and the agitation to 180 rpm. After 72 h of cultiva-tion, the cells were harvested (centrifugation, 8000 × g, 5 min) and the biomass aswell as the PHB yields were determined as described below. All cultivations wereperformed in triplicate.