actual content to be imported. The required file “dublin_core.xml” contains an XML representation
of qualified Dublin Core element names and the textual content that contains metadata records,
including author, title, and so on. A plain text “content” file has one line containing the filename of
each file that will be included in that digital object. Once this structure is put in place, the import
command can simply be run and all content will be imported into the repository. The tool provides a
“map file” after being run, which details all items that were imported and their new location within
the system—this file can be helpful in future for exports or removal of imported contents.
6.9 DSpace Workflow
The DSpace submission workflow system is a critical part of the DSpace architecture that allows
submission, processing, and final addition of content to the live repository. DSpace’s underlying
model includes E-People, users who have registered with the system and have certain authorizations,
roles, rights, and privileges that translate abilities to complete certain tasks within the DSpace
system. A typical submission begins with the system asking the user a couple of questions about
digital document to be added in the repository and number of files involved in the submission. Then
the system guides the user through the different steps, which are outlined in the following Figure: