I don't think because I found myself talking to someone else meant I didn't want us to work out
Naw, but I think the fact that you didn't have that urge to make it work and focus on that goal
It was a way to cope with change and I was realizing how shit I had been. I pushed you further away subconsciously because I knew at that point I was just hurting you.
Hmm, I dunno matey.
But Jin here's the thing - I've worked on every aspect of what I needed to improve as a person. I don't party like I used too, I moved jobs to reduce my hours.
I've spent the last month just solo reflecting and that's it. I think about you / us every day. I've spent so many nights upset about how I mismanaged us.
Look, I'm just saying, I think we had something special. Beyond 'that point in tjme'.
Okay, so what are you saying?
And I don't want you to think I'm trying to confuse you or anything. I just have spent so much time reflecting, I needed to get it off my chest.
Well then be frank - what is it do you want?
After all this reflecting/time/self improvement, what is your end goal and what is the summary?
I just want you to not write us off. To take notice of the changes I've made and evaluate based on now, not on the past.
I mean, do you not think we could have taken over the world together?
Um, I don't know to be honest. I think we were thrown a shit ton of stuff, we made it through a lot but we also broke down as a result. So not really sure if that's the case. I think in the past, I would have said yes absolutely - we can take over the world together because we're a force
Here's what I know
But looking back, I don't think we as a two indviduals and as a couple were strong enough
we had a lot of motivation and a lot of potential
but in reality, it was just potential
I think we met so young.
We had not found ourselves.. And I think we had to grapple with that in addition to a very fast moving relationship.
You look at the worlds great power couples - take Facebook COO.
They met at 28 once they had gone through their trials and tribulations. So it was an easier product-market fit so to speak haha
Hmmm, mai roo
Speaking of FB COO
How awful was the thing with her husband?
So shocking - made you think.
Hey my wifi about to die - but I have a thought on this. I'll fill u in soon