President: Good morning. If we are all here, let’s get started. First of all, I’d like you to please join me in welcoming Ms. ………………………… , our research and Development Manager.
Research: Good morning. I’m looking forward to today’s meeting.
President: Our company has received great feedback form customers about cosmetics.
Seles Manager: Yes, but complain about the price too high.
President: So, today we talk about price of product and our latest product launch even. OK? Let’s move on.
Research: The product is contains materials that are cheaper, but the quality remains the same.
Product Manager: We design our products to a size that can be portable.
Seles Manager: chic chic lipstick is 250 baht.
Marketing Manager: I agree because teenagers can purchase them.
Seles Manager: Better for customer who buy this cosmetics at the time of launching, We give 10% discount.
Marketing Manager: That’s sounds good.
Product Manager: For our latest products launch even. We need a large place and a strategic location.
Service Manager: I think we could have it at Siam paragon. The place was always crowded with people.
Product Manager: I agree. When we will be launching a product?
Service Manager: I propose the end of July.
Marketing Manager: My suggestion, What if the weekend the first week in August? So that all can be well prepared.
President: I agree with Marketing Manager. We will launch of product in early August.
Service Manager: We must week hard to be the first month of sale in one day can exceed the largest.
President: Certainly, thank you all for attending today. The meeting is closed.