As Zhao expected, the undead spirit beasts were wandering around on the Black Waste.
Fortunately, there were no longer any undead spirit beasts in the castle, nor did they break the gate or destroy the defensive walls. They were only able to get into the castle by climbing the walls, break everything inside, then climb back out.
It had to be recognized that even the most ordinary spirit beast was stronger than any animal on Earth. If there were lions and tigers on the Ark Continent, they would starve.
When Green saw that everything inside the castle was destroyed, his heart froze, but he didn't panic like an ordinary person would. When he was young, he fought alongside Adam's grandfather, and later his father, on the battlefield, so he had a lot of combat experience. It only took him a couple of seconds to realize that something was wrong.
There were no signs of fighting in the castle!
Although everything was destroyed, Green could see that there wasn't a trace of blood. The spirit beasts were probably venting their anger when they found nobody in the castle.
To make sure, Green carefully explored every room, finding no one. The only explanation he could come up with was that everyone had suddenly disappeared.
Just then, a misty hole appeared in the living room, followed by Zhao's voice. "Grandpa Green, come in."
Green was shocked. He dodged past the mist and looked inside the hole, but he couldn't see anything. However, he had no other choice so he jumped inside.
Green appeared in the spatial farm, right on the edge of the oil fruit fields. The trees had not beared fruit yet, and there were slaves nearby carefully learning how to read.
Meirin was next to the slaves, but she was the first one to notice that he had returned. "Green, you're back!" she immediately said.
Green was looking around in a daze. "Meirin, what is this place?"
Meirin smiled. "This is the young master's space. This is where that magic radish he gave you came from."
Then Zhao and Meg ran out of the hut. Zhao quickly moved into Green's open arms. "Grandpa Green, you're finally back!"
Green smiled. "Yes, Master. I'm back."
Zhao laughed. "Come on, now that you're back, let's talk inside." He pulled Green along, followed by the others.
Inside the hut, Zhao simply told Green about the situation with the space. Hearing what he said, Green's eyes shined, understanding what the spatial farm means for the Buda clan.
Once Zhao finished, Green excitedly said, "This is great, Master! With this space, we can revive the Buda clan.