developed a deterministic
(i.e., non-statistical) forest growth model, 3-PG (Physiological
Principles for Predicting Growth) based on a number of
established biophysical relationships and constants. As with
other process-based models, 3-PG contains subroutines that
calculate photosynthesis, transpiration, respiration, growth
allocation and litter production. 3-PG differs from most
process-based models in that it predicts stand properties
measured by foresters (tree density, basal area, mean diameters,
standing volume, and mean annual volume increment) as well
as those of interest to ecologists (carbon allocation and water
balances). Relatively few variables are needed to run the model
and these can be obtained from the literature or from field
measurements. Detailed, updated descriptions of the model, its
input data requirements, and outputs, can be found in Sands and
developed a deterministic(i.e., non-statistical) forest growth model, 3-PG (PhysiologicalPrinciples for Predicting Growth) based on a number ofestablished biophysical relationships and constants. As withother process-based models, 3-PG contains subroutines thatcalculate photosynthesis, transpiration, respiration, growthallocation and litter production. 3-PG differs from mostprocess-based models in that it predicts stand propertiesmeasured by foresters (tree density, basal area, mean diameters,standing volume, and mean annual volume increment) as wellas those of interest to ecologists (carbon allocation and waterbalances). Relatively few variables are needed to run the modeland these can be obtained from the literature or from fieldmeasurements. Detailed, updated descriptions of the model, itsinput data requirements, and outputs, can be found in Sands and
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