The SDS shows moderate-to-high correlations with other instruments measuring depression. For example, Hedlund and Vieweg’s review quotes five correlations between the SDS and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) depression scale that ranged from 0.55 to 0.70 (3, Table 1); other studies found correlations of 0.59 (7) and 0.76 (25). A review of several studies comparing the SDS and the BDI reported correlations ranging ranged from 0.60 to 0.83 (16, Table 9.2); Turner and Romano reported a correlation of 0.86 (25, Table 1). Tanaka-Matsumi et al. found the SDS correlated more highly with Spielberger’s Trait Anxiety scale (0.74) than with the BDI (0.68) or the Lubin Depression Adjective Check Lists (0.54) (10,Table 2). Snow and Crapo found the SDS to correlate −0.53 with Bradburn’s Affect Balance Scale, and −0.61 with the Life Satisfaction Index A (N =205) (26, Table 2).