2.6. Hatch of cysts in nonsterile conditions
Samples were performed in a shrimp hatchery, where cysts were hatch at concentration of 450 g/100 l during 24h. For that purpose, diluted seawater (22‰) filtered with 1 um cartridge filters was used. The hatching tanks were cleaned with chlorine solution at 200 ppm. Any previous treatment was applied to the cysts. This experience was running in parallel with other carried on with laboratory sterile conditions, using for both experiences Artemia franciscana of the brand Salt Creek (stock 00016002) of 2 months old. Artemia nauplii was collected in the hatchery with 100 mm net, and they were suspended on sterilized seawater. The following steps were those described previously in laboratory operations (see Section 2.3–2.5). This experience was performed two times and 40 strains were purified from Artemia laboratory and hatchery samples and analysed for Gram and oxidase.