[Sh, shut up! Why do i have to listen to anything you say!]
[Get those hands moving if you have time to move that mouth of yours! Is your hand “Beep” is it your lover, huh? Ah, in the end your lover must also be a “Beep” too huh? You “Beep” and “Beep” are well matched for each other!]
[D, damn you! Natasha is not that kind of woman!]
[St, stop Johann! You shouldn’t do that! This guy will die!]
[Shit, is that fellow there a “Beep” as well. The empire’s soldiers, every single one of them are “Beeps” huh! Or better yet, why don’t you guys just rename yourselves to “Beep”! You pair of “Beep”! You’re both about equal, how about showing some murderous intent!]
[What was that! What did this guy just say! This guy can’t possibly be a Usagininzoku! Somebody answer me!]
[I’ve had enough of this! When I talk with this guy, I feel like I’m going to lose my mind!]
such a shout leaks out from the door and is heard.
Everyone was quiet. While looking down at his own hand that was on the doorknob, he began to doubt himself of this event that went against common sense, the empire soldiers that were supposed to be questioning Cam, were actually being cornered instead.
[Naa, is our help necessary?]
[......lets return?]
[......Say, sorry for now, but please help him. Because I don’t think he’ll be able to leave by himself…..]
Shia yearns for the gentle father of the past, she asked Hajime while looking far-off into the distance. Actually, we would definitely have to help Cam because he doesn’t have the power to get away by himself…..
[Shit, do you know how to do anything besides moving your lips. I am the dark hunting ogre from the wriggling abyss, Cam von fantasy, L F light, the rhode rear, to become the enemies of the Hauria, its still much too early!]*Yeah, this whole line was a huge mess, I don’t really know what i was doing here*
From the other side, something with incredibly bad sense was said.
[......Shia, your father, something amazing was just said]
[......The more you think about it, the more confusing it gets]
[Uu…..does my father have a grudge against me? Trying to kill his own daughter through embarrassment]
Shia was crouched down and covered both her hands over her face. The amount of damage seems to have been serious.