Apologies for the delay; Braden took a bit longer to get back to us than anticipated.
Here are the prices for two of the units you requested (note these prices include your reseller discount as well as crating fees - wire rope and controls are not included):
1. PD12C-SPL-41039-02* = $7,028.50 USD / 6-8 week lead time (The SPL designates Braden’s current model)
2. PD17A-47P049-27G = $14,701.50 USD / 2-3 week lead time
Braden did not reply back with a price quote on the PD12C-SPL-41039-02L; however they said:
Would PD12C-SPL-59039-02L work? It will be slower, 161fpm and lower pressure, 2406 psi.
Your price on this configuration would be = $7,186.00 USD
Please note the L does not actually signify Left Hand rotation; it signifies Left Hand Assembly (side of the hoist the motor mounts to).
Attached your will find the cut sheets for both units.
I have replied back to Braden, again for P&A on the PD12C-SPL-41039-02L as well as the new RFQ for the BP200B.
As soon as I hear back I will let you know
Please let me know if you have any questions.