Transport Co. Ltd. (TCL): Resources Use Plan and Cooperation among the Enterprises of Transport Co. Ltd.: 2011
AMP Group advised the Transport Company Ltd. (TCL) on the formulation of a Resources Use Plan and measures to improve co-operation between the different enterprises of TCL. The aims of the work were to maximize the benefit from implementation of the mission, policies and strategies of the company and to reduce duplication of its investments. The work included (i) the efficient use of resources from investment projects and from assets such as land, buildings and machinery;
(ii) cooperation in various fields to ensure effective integration, added value and competitiveness, and (iii) any other actions identified to be necessary to support the objectives of creating effective integration, added value and competitive capability and reducing duplication of investment. The Resources Use Plan covered the medium to long term (i.e. 3 to 5 year plans) and was supported by an Annual Action Plan (2555).