Art in everyday
understanding of everyone. Know that Essential to human life. On this planet is made up of four factors, housing, food, clothing. And medicines Demand for housing in order to prevent dangers from the outside. Need food to grow strong like clothing or clothing that covers the body against heat, cold medicines needed for treating diseases of these things are important and necessary for human life. This will not lack anything. And will need attention Pay attention to the care of these. It is well known that four factors are essential to human life. Habitat for Humanity needs protection from external dangers. Humans need food to keep the body healthy. Humans need food to keep the body healthy. Humans also need clothing or apparel to conceal. Body from the environment around And people still want drugs To treat ailments such things as these conquests. But it is important and necessary for human life, especially when men realize. The key man It requires attention and care in such matters. A focus on different details are taken into consideration. And prepared to meet the demand factor. And show the value of beauty that art is art if people accept that. The expression of emotional satisfaction. Art is useful and relevant to the needs emotional factor, particularly if the human strain. Art can create gaiety to He then shows that access to the arts outside of this art to make people have good taste. The taste is related to art and design. Taste the pleasure of the man who brought the art to the mix to be fit. Because of the fit and satisfaction If men have more access to his art, he will have good taste, so it is art. Beneficial to humans and the living present. Bringing art into everyday life is the principle that combines art with life, ie. Art with housing Art with food Art and Apparel