Many studies in the sport psychology domain have dealt with self-confidence and its relation to the self-talk (Hanton et al., 2004; Morris & Andersen, 2007).
Positive thinking and positive answers lead the person to an ideal state/level of self-confidence, having as a result correct and refine actions/ behaviours leading to positive result (Morris & Andersen, 2007; Hatzigeorgiadis et al., 2007; Johnson et al., 2004).
Bandura (1997) uses the term "self-efficacy" to describe the conviction one has to execute successfully the behavior (e.g., a sports performance) required to produce a certain outcome (e.g., a performance score) and, thus,can be considered as a situational specific self-confidence.
In addition, as Bandura (1997) notes, self- efficacy is not concerned with the skills an individual has but with the judgments of what an individual can do with the skills he or she possesses.