I got your order confirmation but I am not sure about date of shipment, Please clearly concerning your ship date as below .
Item 1. Ship out from Loesing in KW.39 , arrives to Ebro Thailand approx. KW 47 ?
Item 2. Ship out from Loesing 20/10/2014 , arrives to Ebro Thailand approx. 12/12/2014 ?
Item 3. Ship out from Loesing 20/10/2014 , arrives to Ebro Thailand approx. 12/12/2014 ?
Item 4. Ship out from Loesing 17/11/2014, arrives to Ebro Thailand approx. 9/1/2015?
Item 5. kindly help to change confirmation delivery date , the correct is 30/1/2015 (arrives to Ebro Thailand).
Sorry for my mistake